Our Background Screening Virtual Assistant services offer an efficient and cost-effective solution for your hiring needs. By leveraging highly trained VAs who adhere to strict compliance standards, we streamline your background screening process, ensuring accuracy and timeliness. Our VAs are equipped to handle a variety of tasks, from employment verification to education verification, helping you maintain a robust and reliable screening protocol.

Benefits of a Dedicated Background Screening VA:

  • Streamlined Hiring Process: Offload labor-intensive background screening tasks to your VA, saving valuable time for your HR team.
  • Enhanced Accuracy & Compliance: Strict FCRA adherence and ongoing compliance training allows our VAs to ensure thorough and compliant results.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Enjoy the efficiency of a VA program without the high costs of in-house screening resources.
  • Easy Deployment: Our VA’s can operate on most common CRA platforms, or custom platforms with a short training/orientation window.


  • Contact past employers to verify employment history, title, and dates of employment.
  • Manage data retrieval from third party vendors as needed.
  • Authenticate job responsibilities and salary information where compliant, eligibility for rehire and reasons for separation.
  • Analyze and process national database/indicator file data per client requirements, and appropriately dispatch courthouse research.
  • Adjudicate/process county and statewide criminal records per client requirements and FCRA Regulations.
  • Verify educational credentials conferred by universities, colleges, vocational schools and high schools.
  • Confirm attendance dates and degree completion status.

Why Choose Our Background Screening Virtual Assistant Services?

Expert VAs

We provide a network of highly trained VAs who understand the complexities of background screening regulations and procedures.

Compliance & Security

Our VAs adhere to all Federal and State laws regarding consumer privacy and data security, and are extensively trained on FCRA regulations and compliance. All of our VA Supervisory and Training Staff are FCRA Basic/Advanced Certified.


Easily adjust your VA support based on your hiring volume and background screening needs.

Cost-Effective & Efficient

Enjoy significant savings and quicker turnaround times.

Remote Support

Remote Support

You are in full control of the way your Virtual Assistant works.


Support 24/7

Round-the-clock support from an experienced Virtual Assistant.
