Breaking Time Zones

“Creating a Global Virtual Workforce”

J.W. Oliver Jr – ZimWorX

The world has truly changed! Video calls are now the norm, virtual teams are flourishing, corporate philosophy has been changed, and a new “employee” has been birthed.

In years past, there was a stigma with “outsourcing”. The phone quality was poor, video calls were not an option, VoIP phone systems were closed systems and were just emerging, and the language and cultural differences were like a smack in the face in trying to keep customers not happy, but just satisfied.

Today we have solid internet capabilities in almost every country and the gap has closed for the language and cultural variances.

Time zones used to be an issue. Not as much in today’s market as many “offshore” teams do work same times as their employer or have a crossover that allows sufficient transfer of information during the transition. The advent of various project manager software and technology has made the workplace a truly global market.

At ZimWorX, we have coined what we offer as “insourcing”. We are providing a high-quality team member who becomes part of your team, culture, and family. They truly work “for you”.  The key is to implement them into your culture with a few very simple “tips”.

  • Give them solid initial and recurring training.
  • Set up measured KPIs.
  • Develop consistent and detailed reporting.
  • Praise, correct and evaluate on a regular schedule.
  • Include them in daily, weekly, and monthly meetings.
  • Include in any office/team performance bonus plans.
  • Celebrate the birthdays and work anniversaries of your virtual team.
  • SWAG – Send them T-shirts, pens, mugs, etc.…
  • Have virtual coffee or lunch.

All or even a few of these will help your team member become an integral part of your organization, and keep attrition at a minimum.

Why would an organization, entrepreneur or CEO/COO consider leveraging a Global workforce? There are multiple reasons, but here are some that are key.

  • Reduce your cost by as much as 70% per team member.
  • Increase your EBITDA/bottom line.
  • Fill positions which have limited resources available.
  • Elevate your existing team to focus on high-ROI tasks.
  • Grow your business without adding physical space.

As you are contemplating ways to fulfil any of the above objectives, implementing a reliable, qualified, and motivated Global Team is the answer.

Before selecting a virtual person or company, ask pertinent questions as you do your due diligence to be certain they have the infrastructure to support your needs. Items to consider asking might be the following.

  • Do they work from home, or in a secure location?
  • Do they have reliable internet and electricity?
  • Data security is key in many healthcare organizations that handle PHI or financial records. Get details on how they protect data.
  • Do they carry a cyber security insurance policy?
  • Workforce managers can assist in productivity, and see if they employ one.
  • Must you sign any long-term contracts or agreements?

ZimWorX has been very careful to select geographical areas that can offer high-quality teams and a reliable workforce. We have a series of “musts” that we provide our clients to ensure that they are attaining their global workforce objectives.

  • No work from home.
  • No long-term contracts.
  • University Educated.
  • Speak the Queen’s English (in our primary centre).
  • Dedicated team members who only work for you, 40 hours a week.

Finding reliable, hardworking, quality teams is the most important key to leveraging a successful remote workforce. Doing your “homework” in advance can increase your probability of success by 10X in implementing your team. And if the price sounds too good to be true, it probably is! ☺

Our mission at ZimWorX is clear and our objectives are defined.

“Transforming the Lives of our Team Members while making a Global Impact for the Kingdom”.

We reinforce our mission as well as our core values to our Team Members and our clients. We live by and believe in our Three Wins.

  • A Win for our team members who are gainfully employed.
  • A Win for our clients who get an amazing team member.
  • A Win for ministries worldwide as we donate 51% of all profits around the world.

Leveraging a true “Global Workforce” in the 21st century is important in creating a successful, modern organization. Reaching across borders, through time zones, and around the globe, has become commonplace and quite easy to leverage.

If not now, when? If not you, then who?

Start today, and learn how an amazing, global team can put you on a new trajectory for success and the growth of your organization.

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