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Virtual team members have changed the way you do business. They have become a dedicated addition to your current team. Join JW Oliver as he gives you invaluable insights on how insourcing can revolutionize your business.

Episode 20 | Speaking the Queen’s or maybe King's English

Episode 20 | Speaking the Queen’s or maybe King's English

One of the biggest concerns when offshoring is the accent used. A thick or heavy accent can make it difficult to offer a good experience. Our team members have clear, beautiful sounding accents reminiscent of the Queen's -- or the King's English -- which makes them a perfect fit for answering phones and so much more.

Our Pricing

Our pricing is designed to fit your needs, without sacrificing quality. Enjoy the benefits of a dedicated team member, university-educated professionals, and on-site support, all without the long-term commitments or high costs associated with traditional outsourcing.

Fulltime Dedicated Support

$12 per hour
  • Focus on patient care while our experts handle all administrative tasks.