The Dentists guide to hiring a virtual team member.

As a dentist, we know you need that extra pair of hands to get your tasks moving. This is one of the main reasons that dentists turn to outsourcing virtual team members as a viable extension to their existing teams.

This is why we believe this is a must-read for any dentist who is looking to get a virtual team member. We look at the main things you should look for in your future team member and how you can identify the right fit for your practice.

Make a list of tasks you need help with.

The key to getting the right virtual team member is to know which parts of your business you need help with.  This will help you create a good job description. having a laid-out job description will also help you measure your candidates' performance and capabilities.

Create a job description

Once you have a list of things you need help with your need, you need to create a concise job description for your future virtual team member.  Your job description should include :

  • A description of what your business does
  • The level of education you require from your virtual team member
  • The list of responsibilities you expect your virtual team member to handle

Thoroughly review applications & schedule interviews

Now that your future candidate knows what you are looking for, it is time to meet your virtual team member. Conducting a video interview will give you a personal feel to your interview process. This will also make you see if your potential candidate is the right fit for your organization.

Test your candidates.

You need to put your candidate through a performance test. this could be a simple aptitude test or a detailed one to assess how capable they are in handling working situations. This will help you in seeing how they will fit in your current working environment.

Give your team member a trial period

After getting your candidate you need to put them to the test. Have them commit to a trial period where you will be assessing their capabilities and how they work with your team. This trial will also help them see if they feel they are happy and able to cope with the work you would have given them.

Save time

There is a way you can do all the above while saving time. SupportDDS dedicates itself to providing virtual team members to dental practices and businesses. SupportDDS can help you get a virtual team member in 5 simple steps

  1. You submit a job description to us.
  2. We review all resumes/CVs & choose the top candidates.
  3. We set up video interviews.
  4. You select the best person for the job.
  5. The hiring process begins.

Our candidates are all university graduates, trained, and able to work in the same time zone as you do. You handle your patients and let your virtual team member take care of the rest.

SupportDDS is a leading Texas-based in-sourcing company that provides virtual assistants and administrative support for dental practices. Moreover, we provide both short and long-term virtual outsourcing services customized to suit your business process needs.

